The Angels Go On Vacation , Charlies Angels
The Angels (Kate Jackson, Cheryl Ladd and Jaclyn Smith) and Bosley (David Doyle) are so excited to go on holiday in a ranch in Arizona, but what if a new case comes up while they re there From Season 3, Episode 13 Angels on Vacation After Kris invites Bosley the Angels to a small town for a vacation, their arrival is marred by a lack of rooms gangsters who have broken their headlights, they develop a plan to rescue the women kidnapped by the gang. Available on Prime Video: Subscribe: ABOUT CHARLIE S ANGELS: Intelligent, athletic and streetwise, Sabrina Duncan, Jill Munroe and Kelly Garrett are three highlytrained cops whose considerable crimefighting talents were going to waste. But that all changed when mysterious millionaire Charlie Townsend and his assistant John Bosley brought them out of obscurity and into his detective agency. Taking orders from Charlie s disembodied voice, th