Open CV Python Tutorial For Beginners 15 Adaptive Thresholding
In this video on OpenCV Python Tutorial For Beginners, I am going to show How to do Simple Image Thresholding. Adaptive Thresholding algorithm provide the image in which Threshold values vary over the image as a function of local image characteristics. So Adaptive Thresholding involves two following steps (i) Divide image into strips (ii) Apply global threshold method to each strip. So in Adaptive Thresholding, Threshold depends on both f(x, y) and p(x, y). Adaptive thresholding changes the threshold dynamically over the image. Adaptive thresholding typically takes a gray scale or color image as input and, in the simplest implementation, outputs a binary image representing the segmentation. Gist of code I used in this video (Adaptive Thresholding Image OpenCV Python ) gist. ... ,ProgrammingKnowledge, OpenCVTutorial, Python(ProgrammingLanguage), Python3. 6, Python, PythonTutorial, Pythoncourse, OnlineCourse, OpenCV, OpenCVTutorialforBeginners 20190429 Zf1F4cz8GHU