The Story of Payday 2: A Quick Messy Explanation
This is not meant to be taken terribly seriously, in case it isn t obvious. You ll probably learn some stuff if you re never investigated the story for yourself before, and hopefully you ll have a laugh either way. And yes, 25 minutes is quick for how nuts this game s story is. This was largely meant to be comedic and I m well aware that I miss plenty of smaller points. That being said, feel free to point out flaws or errors or missing pieces from the story that you d like to share or elaborate on in the comments if you d like to flex your own knowledge for internet popularity points. KKnowley s lore video (much more in depth and serious than this): The Hotline Miami HUD was used in this video. You can download it for yourself here: I am a Humble Partner Please consider using my link if you d like to support me and what I do while also picking up great discount