FREE Synth Bass How to Write a Track Inspired by Stranger Things, Heavyocity FOUNDATIONS
Experience how the power and thump of this growling synth bass can convey a suspenseful storyline as our own Luis DElias takes you through his creepy track, Hiding in the Light. Inspired by the last season of Stranger Things, Luis utilizes FOUNDATIONSSynth Bass to develop an eerie and uneasy ambiance by building tension, driving rhythm, and creating movement in his cue. FOUNDATIONS, Synth Bass is available for FREE at Mentions in this video: FREE Cinematic Strings How to Add Energy and Drive to Your Cue: Subscribe: Video Contents: 0:00 Intro 0:43 Luis Track 1:42 Think Arpeggio 2:42 Creepy Synth Mnemonic 3:36 Piano, Strings, Thump 3:56 Big Bottom Synth 6:14 Staccatos Enhance Arpeggio 6:48 Building Tension 7:40 Everything Comes Together 9:24 Wrap Up 9:44 FOUNDATIONS, Synth Bass Available Now for FREE 9:49 Subscribe Follow us on: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: