Gundam Requiem for Vengeance Trailer
Coming to Netflix in 2024 STORY In the year Universal Century 0079, a state of war began when the Principality of Zeon declared its independence from the Earth Federation government. In the war s opening stages, the Zeon forces maintained an advantage thanks to the effectiveness of their new weapon, the mobile suit. However, they lacked the fighting strength to fully conquer Earth, and the war became a stalemate. Eleven months after the outbreak of war, a base in Zeonoccupied Eastern Europe is captured by the Federation Forces. A Zeon composite battalion is sent to recapture the base, and among its members are Solari and her Red Wolf Squadron, a mobile suit team that has only just arrived from Series Title Gundam Requiem for Vengeance Staff Bandai Namco Filmworks Inc. Present SUNRISE Production CoProduction: SAFEHOUSE Inc. Director: Erasmus Brosdau Executive producers: Makoto Asanuma, Naohiro Ogata, Taiki Sakurai, Gavin Hignight Animatio