4 of 4 glazing over grisaille portrait, first glaze, oil painting demonstration voiceover
4 of 4 The final instalment of this film, glazing over a grisaille underpainting. Here I continue to model the forms and finish the first oil glaze ready for further glazes when this layer has dried. As I am using an Alkyd medium this takes a couple of days, depending on how much oil paint is on the canvas. If the paint is thicker in some areas this will take longer. When the oil paint has dried I can oil up the canvas and repeat the process, further deepening and enriching the previous glazes and velaturas. The beauty of the grisaille painting technique is that as long as the original grisaille drawing is still visible and intact, you are able to continue painting as many glazes as you like. For me this will mean about 6 or 7 further glazes, with the colours becoming more and more subtle and the details more refined. Apparently Titian said that you should glaze 60 times Thats fine too if you have the painting in the studio for a couple of years If I am workin