Hemizygous and homozygous genetic disorders
Hemizygous is a condition in which only one copy of a gene or DNA sequence is present in diploid cells. Males are hemizygous for most genes on sex chromosomes, having only one X and one Y chromosome. Image result for homozygous Homozygous is a word that refers to a particular gene that has identical alleles on both homologous chromosomes. It is referred to by two capital letters (XX) for a dominant trait, and two lowercase letters (xx) for a recessive trait. Heterozygous refers to having inherited different forms of a particular gene from each parent. A heterozygous genotype stands in contrast to a homozygous genotype, where an individual inherits identical forms of a particular gene from each parent. , homozygouss, Heterozygous, hemizygous, Genetics, xlinkedGeneticsDisorders