CZW, 18+ Tournament Of Death vs. Gorefest
1. Danny Havoc vs. Jon Ryan (Tournament Of Death vs. Gorefest First Round Thumbtack Stuff Death Match) 2. DJ Hyde vs. Drake Younger (Tournament Of Death vs. Gorefest First Round Cinderblocks Barbed Wire Boards Death Match) 3. Jimmy Havoc vs. Masada (Tournament Of Death vs. Gorefest First Round Ultraviolent Tables Death Match) 4. Adam Polak (c) vs. Nick Gage (Ultraviolent Underground Title Tournament Of Death vs. Gorefest First Round Polish Punishment Death Match) 5. Jon Moxley (c) vs. Devon Moore (CZW World Heavyweight Title Match) 6. Tournament Of Death vs. Gorefest Semi Final Best Two Out Of Three Log Cabins Death Match 7. Ultraviolent Underground Title Tournament Of Death vs. Gorefest Semi Final Unlucky 13 Death Match 8. 2Face vs. Big Van Walter (c) (wXw Unified World Wrestling Title Match) 9. Adam Cole, BLK Jeez, Drew Gulak Karsten Beck vs. Bernd Föhr, Greg Excellent, Rich Swann Zack Sabre Jr. 10. Carnage vs. Sami Callihan 11. Ultraviolent Underground Title Tournament Of Death vs. Gorefe