Dungeon Maker II: The Hidden War Game Sample PSP
sure had some odd games and those odd games were, at times, pretty interesting. Some had an acquired taste, and some others, were were also bad too. In a way though, the PSP was home to more gems and obscurities than it s big brother, sister, the PS both, ultimately, are good units to own. Today s game is Dungeon Maker II: The Hidden War, and as you might expect, there was a game before it (though the sequel expands on it in a good way, for the most part). The previous game was published by the kind folks at XSEED (who thought the premise had potential) in North America and the sequel was published by UFO. The game is developed by the relatively lowbudget developer known as GAE (Global A begin to discuss the game in a hasty, but (hopefully) informative manner given YT text limitations You basically play the role of a dungeon maker who abhors the death and destruction caused by the monsters in the area