Iron, Copper, and Linen: Sacred Materials for Wellness and Defence
Q A Chapters : 00:00 Is there a correlation between opening our wave reality and our ability to fight in the unseen world 07:00 Is there a relationship between the teachings on the wave and particle and the CERN particle accelerator 10:26 When we change ourselves, does our DNA change as well And does that mean that Allah (AJ) changes the destiny within the allencompassing book that is stored in our DNA 15:59 How do we shield and protect ourselves with the sunnah (traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) if the workplace or an environment we re in doesn t allow for certain items 18:51 Is the TV a demonic wave portal, and how is music weaponized Is one genre more harmful than the other 24:31 Would reciting our awrads (daily practices) on water especially within the copper canisters from SMC for example help us with stomach issues and parasites and anxieties 29:04 With the urs (anniversary of passing) of Imam Jafar asSadiq (as) at the end of this month, what can we le