Cory Topanga The Beginning
The story of Corpanga, the sweetest onscreen tv couple ever :) I was first introduced to Cory and Topanga when I first caught Girl Meets World on tv one day. I thought it was a pretty nice show (compared to everything else that was currently airing at the time) and was just starting to like it. I happened to bring it up in a random discussion with my mom one day, when she asked me if I had meant the seminal Boy Meets World, because she had never heard of GMW. Of course, I was super confused because I had never heard of any show called Boy Meets World, and I quickly got on it, wondering if the two could possibly be related. I was absolutely intrigued when I discovered that Girl Meets World did, in fact, have a relation with BMW, which served as its predecessor. Watching BMW put me in a going back in time, sort of mindset, giving me immense feelings of nostalgia despite never being a 90s kid or growing up watching this show. I figured that if GMW was a spinoff of BMW, then who would the main character in BM