Wot blitz mods 8. 2 Steam and Android
Free Download What is included in the pack: 1Camo and Maps sky 2Purple smoke and Blue colored Tracer Trail 3Blue 3 Aim sight dot and other Gfx 4Color minimapCircle in the views and ammo bar 5Modern Hangar by ModWotWorks 6ExtendedTechTree GonnaHetzMe 7Sound PC SixSense, Hits, Reload and other sound by LakiaMax PC All Maps Music by SAWINAZUMA PC Gun Sounds and Male Crew Voices by Maddox USA USSR German British Japan China Swedish France Italy Polish Czech Hybrid Nation Downlead Link Steam Zipfile ExtendedTechTree Android Zipfile Apkfiles for sound only With tech tree new update apk link will added soon Without tech tree new update apk link will added soon Installation: On An