Windjammers 2 Steve Miller Arcade Mode reveal
Download the Steam Festival Demo for free now Join the official discord channel and chat with our tubular community: Windjammers 2s Arcade Mode allows superstars to conquer championships while playing solo, offering up a gauntlet of matches against AI opponents as well as optional challenges, which reward versatile competitors able to adapt their playstyles on the fly. Strong performances will earn credits, which can save players from falling out of a tournament should they ever lose a match. Arcade Mode is a great starting point for beginners and brings the world of Windjammers to life Enjoy the return of Steve Miller, an agile power discflinging icon who stands as a balanced choice for newcomers and Windjammers veterans alike. Although Steves throws range on the weaker side of the roster, hes agile and a natural at pulling off reversals along with tricky curved shots. Score the latest d