2nd French Secret Space Program 20 back witness emerges French Version
This is the French version of an Exopolitics Today interview with David Rousseau published on Jan 31, 2022. His original responses can be heard in French, without the audio English translation. Subtitles in English have been added for those wishing to hear the original French with English subtitles. At age eight, David Rousseau was recruited into a secret space program jointly run by the US and France, and served for 20 years before being ageregressed and returned back in time to 1981. In this first interview for an Englishspeaking audience, David explains how an alien abduction at age six first brought him to the attention of secret space program authorities. He was recognized to have exceptional psychic and intuitive abilities which led to him accepting an offer by an American general, who spoke French, to join a joint secret space program. In 1981, David was sent to Area 51 for his initial training and induction into a joint secret space program called Solar Warden. He was then sent t