Got7 full reaction to BTS at MAMA 2016
GOT7 reacts to BTS Blood Sweat Tears, Boy meets evil, and Fire. JHope and Jimin s dance performance has little to no reaction footage as the stage was very dark and in this case Got7 was not there. There are other videos for Got7 reacting to BTS but the fancam s were out of sync with the reactions, so I made this video for my own personal entertainment. Thought I might as well upload it. Syncing a facecam to a video 100 in sync is pretty difficult work, I think mine is pretty close but may be a tiny bit off. (ツ), wcyd thoughafteruploadingthisi verealizedthatfireiskindaoffthatsmybadwhoopsi mkindaokaywithitthobecauseireallyjustdidthisforbloodsweatandtearsandthewholeJinandVthingokaygoodbye