My Neighbors Lonely Wife 2 Episode 5 Gameplay Walkthrough Bad Ending
This is a NTR my neighbors lonely wife 2 episode 5 gameplay walkthrough for people that want to see the bad ending. IMO this it the good and the most realistic ending. Super Grindy episode, you need: 1. Spam dates and sexual relations in order to get Haruka s admiration: 700 chastity: 0 you can check these values in the status page 2. 2. Only buy and use the 0. 01 condoms so they break and don t tell Haruka when they brake 3. Wait and get the bad(good) ending. If you want to move to episode 6, then only buy the thickest condoms 0. 10, get her Admiration to 700 chastity to 0, have daily sexual relations and wait for the hot springs vaccation. I don t think I ll do it because the game is pretty easy atm and tbh the sexual grind is kinda gross. Watch my video at 2x speed or skip the grind towards the last 10 minutes and you ll be fine After moving to a new house, you quickly meet the beautiful young wife next door, Haruka Aoi. Chat with her,