2022 Jericho Utah NHHA, Raw Race Cam
0:00 Start Line 0:45 Banner drop 1:18 Consumed by the dust 2:39 Back on step 7:27 finally on trail 10:22 First big descent 11:55 River beds 15:05 Dusty 2 track road 17:32 Loose rocky climb 18:55 Traffic jam 20:11 Back with the speed 22:05 more speed, more dust 28:47 Rocky fast roads 34:09 Checking to see if I had a flat 34:57 Ups and downs 38:25 Back to flat and fast 40:53 In the ditch 43:23 get out of the way 45:54 so bumpy 48:08 Back to the tight stuff 54:55 Climbing out of the hole 58:15 smooth passes 59:39 please get out of the way 1:02:22 Little water action 1:03:03 Fast roads for a break