How Mila Kunis Broke Macaulay Culkin s Heart, Rumour Juice
Mila Kunis and Macaulay Culkin dated for nearly a decade, being a cosy adorable couple who cooked, played video games and watched TV together. When they broke up, the split was amicable, as usual. And recently, Mila has shocked everyone by saying what an asshole she was about the whole thing. 00:23 How the two met and fell in love 01:15 The couple keep their romance private despite media speculation 03:03 Fans and media attention is too disturbing 03:48 The relationships is announced as officially over 04:18 Kunis shocks everyone by details of the breakup 05:52 Culkin has never opened up about their love story 06:55 Mila s relationships with Ashton Kutcher 07:46 Culkin has a family of his own , MacaulayCulkin, MilaKunis, Ashton Kutcher, HomeAlone, BunnyEars