16 Secrets Behind Famous Logos and Brand Names
The names and logos of famous brands have a secret meaning you ve never heard of. Each company logo has a story behind it. Many brand names seem meaningless to us but have an interesting explanation in the language of the country they come from. Lego means play well in Danish, Fanta comes from German Fantasie, Chupa Chups was named so after the Spanish verb chupar, which means to suck, Samsung is Korean for 3 stars. Pandora has to do with a myth of the creation of the first human woman named Pandora. As for the logos, some of them were inspired by real sights, such as the Neuschwanstein Castle in Germany for Disney. Others have historical meaning, such as the red cross from the city of Milans emblem, and the bloodthirsty crowned viper of the House of Visconti in Alfa Romeos logo. The Chupa Chups symbol as we know it was designed by super famous artist Salvador Dali himself. TIMESTAMPS Disney 0:30 Lego 1:06 Pepsi 1:33 Fanta 2:13 Chupa Chups 2:40 Nintend