Super School Opened (1959)
Title reads: Super School Opened. New comprehensive school at Holland Park, London. L, S the new school and leafy grounds. C, U sign reading: Holland Park School. L, S the school through trees. L, S children going up contemporary stairs into glass covered passage. High angled shot inside main hall where Lady Norman is performing the official opening ceremony. M, S boys in school uniform listening. M, S Lady Norman speaking. L, S people applauding. C, U schoolgirls looking at the school notice boards. C, U one of the notices reading: Easter school journey to France, pan down to another notice: Holland Park School Savings Group. Various C, Us notices: Music, Camera Club, Holland Park Weather Station. Interior. M, S of very modern science laboratory. C, U girls dissecting a dog fish. C, U girl taking something out of a beaker which has been heated. C, U boy and girl looking through microscopes. Interior. M, S of typing class. C, U two girls typing. M, S boys playing water polo in school indoor swimmi