Kyoto Nara on Japan s Unique Excursion Train, Aoniyoshi Express
Today we are going to be riding the excursion train, the Aoniyoshi Tourist Train on both seat configurations from Kyoto to Nara. From Kyoto Fee: 2, 740JPY, 21USD, 1, 800INR, 27CAD, 21EUR, 17GBP, 26, 000KRW, 1, 500RUB To Kyoto Fee: 1, 740JPY, 13USD, 1, 100INR, 17CAD, 13EUR, 11GBP, 17, 000KRW, 1, 000RUB Route: Kyoto Shingu (34 minutes) Train: Aoniyoshi Excursion Express Type: Salon Semi Compartment, Twin Seat Experience: Squidward Train minimum fare to ride For more information: 0:00 Introduction 0:46 Map Cost 2:21 Seat Tour (Semi Compartment) 3:33 Cafe Booth Purchases 7:04 Nara (Deers) 9:49 Seat Tour (Twin Seat) 12:39 Washroom Tour 13:50 Thank you for watching Deer is actually filmed on another day, dont ask the reason, it is what it is