BUG: Radiohead Clips
All I Need Recording Segment Anyone Can Play Guitar JG: I used to shop at miss Selfridges really, i actually did AB: Lot of styling going on, i assume you were heavily styled for this right JG: Oh god. AB: Look at this Lizard guys Phil s got a lizard Oh that lizard was crazy AB: So these were commissioned by er, who was it commissioned by Pop Is Dead AB: Pop is Dead, wow this was er, this was a high concept one, again by Dwight Clarke JG: This is one that makes me murmur out loud in embarrassment whenever i think of it. Do you know what i mean AB: Em but, while the concept JG: (murmurs in embarrassment) AB: The concept being that pop is literally dead and thom is pop. Pop is Dead. POPS WAKING UP. Pops alright, he s just a bit ill. When you were making these where you just excited with being a band with being signed CG: They gave us 300 quid each to go buy new outfits, so we all bought outfits that made it look like w br, br,