3 WAYS TO PAINT SWORDS Magma Crystalline Energized
Ever wanted to add a cool sword to a character or to try a new technique for your favourite general In this tutorial, we show you how to paint three different sword blade effects From a hot Magma blade to a Crystalline sword as well as an energised blade, there are blades for every hero. Although some of the techniques used are considered advanced, we break it down into easy, simpletofollow stages so that your favourite character will have an epiclooking sword in no time at all. oin the Academy Instagram: Facebook: Equipment used: Regiment Brush (Army Painter) Artis Opus S Size 1 Artis Opus S Size0 Wet Palette (RedGrass Games) Paints Used: Evil Sunz Scarlet(Citadel) Troll Slayer Orange (Citadel) Flash Gitz Yellow (Citadel) Matt White (Army Painter) Rhinox Hide (Citadel) Incubi Darkness (Citadel) Cabalite Green (C