Лакшериат, Luxuriat the new dangerous class (2020) Anna Rotaenko Анна Ротаенко
The video mimics a trailer or ads for a movie that didnt happen; stylistically it refers to The Raspberry Reich by Bruce LaBruce, except that its not about sex. A group of young people forms a commune on the seashore, defining itself as the new working class but with due regard to the privileges of the capitalist era. The precariat is a common term. Luxury is an aesthetic category. The artists take inspiration from the ideas of Kropotkin, Marx, Brenner, and Makhno and set out to reinvent reality amid excessive consumption, global networks, corporations, and aversion to work. The group authors the Luxuriat Manifesto; the footage of their trip is used to make the video. The utopia is close but out of reach, like a movie that is never coming out because the trailer was just a fake. Coauthors of the manifesto: ZIP Group (Stepan and Vasily Subbotin, Evgeny Rimkevich), Eldar Ganeev, Elena Ishchenko, Svetlana Isaeva, Gediminas Daugela, Daria Orlova, Dana Kosmina and others.