The Inner Eye ( India, 1972) dir. Satyajit Ray
Short documentary film made on Benode Behari Mukherjee, a blind artist and a teacher from VisvaBharati University, a university founded by Rabindranath Tagore at Santiniketan. Documentary features the life and works of Mukherjee in the form of paintings and photographs, starring himself. The documentary covers his journey from childhood till his blindness along with much of his works and features his words, Blindness is a new feeling, a new experience, a new state of being. Mukherjee is known as the most informed Indian artist of his generation and a legend of modern Asian Art. Born with severe eye problem, being myopic on one eye and blind in the other, Mukherjee lost his sight completely after an unsuccessful cataract operation. However, he continued his work as an artist.