I BROKE MY Assetto Corsa W, 430, 000 HP Alfa Rameo GTA Thrustmaster Wheel Gameplay
I BROKE MY Assetto Corsa W, 430, 000HP Alfa Rameo GTA Thrustmaster Wheel Gameplay. Hope you enjoy todays video and hope to see you at the next one. Also if you want to be featured on my future video make sure to sub, like the video and comment something nice down below. Have a great day ,assettocorsa, hypekidracer, alfaromeo Disclaimer I Don t own this car mod or am the creator. I download car mods from Facebook groups, Discord Groups, And some websites. If you are the creator of any car mods that I have featured on my YouTube channel and don t want the car to be shared PLEASE LET ME KNOW SO I CAN TAKE IT DOWN RIGHT AWAY. Original Car Download Link: Track 1 : Track 2 : I Want to Thank Thrustmaster Next Level Racing For Hooking me Up W