How to Paint Heresy era Blood Angels Legionaries for Warhammer
The Blood Angels are a fan favourite chapter and during the Horus Heresy, they defended Terra with absolute courage and fierce determination. In this tutorial we show you how to paint a Legionary for the Horus Heresy (great for Warhammer 40, 000 too ) from start to finish. If you enjoyed this content, why not become an Academy Member where we have exclusive tutorials every week (250+ at this point. ) Instagram: Facebook: Paints Used: Mechanicus Standard Grey Spray Mephiston Red Agrax Earthshade Leadbelcher Corvus Black Nuln Oil Retributor Armour Reikland Fleshsade Evil Sunz Scarlet Fire Dragon Bright Mechanicus Standard Grey Stormhost Silver Liberator Gold White Scar (TTC) or Matt White (AP) Warp Lightning , horusheresy , paintingwarhammer , bloodangels