The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt The Story So Far
Whether The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition is your first foray into the story of Geralt of Rivia, or you could simply use a refresher on the events that led him to this point, Geralts trusty mare Roach has got you covered with this quick recap of the story so far. Credits (User tags for Instagram): Production: CreativeMod creativemodproductions Crew: Writer, Director Kira Cesnik kiracreativemod DoP, Colorist Niklas Horn niklashorn Gaffer Daniel Kohnen danielkhnn Making Of Jenny Motte jennoxfotos Making Of, Sound Design Jonas Pardeyke, yungshutterhand Stunt Coordinator, Assassin Luke Bucky Naeser buckycos Cosplay Coordinator Kris theunono Horse Trainer Anna annafitscher Horse Sunny Cast: Geralt of Rivia Darth Bronka darthbronka Dandelion, King Foltest Mateusz magisterworkshop HMU Dandelion, King Foltest Jagoda redheadwitchpl Triss Merigold Elisabeth Marx artcorecosplay Vernon Ro