Painting Imperial Fists Space Marines Easy recipe
The first in the series of Heresy Legion recipes. We take a look at the mighty VIIth Legion, The Imperial Fists. Yellow is often talked of as being a difficult colour to paint, hopefully this video shows that it really doesn t need to be So whether its heresy or Warhammer 40k you can get those Imperial Fists on the battlefield Heresy Series Paints used: GW Mournfang Brown, Rhinox Hide, Flash Gitz Yellow VMC Black, Dark Grey VMA Yellow Tamiya Flat White XF2 Paint list key: GW: Games workshop VMC: Vallejo model colour VMA: Vallejo model air VGC: Vallejo game colour VGA: Vallejo game air VMCS: Vallejo metal colour series SC: Scale 75 Webstore : Patreon: Instagram: