60s Garage Girl Bands (pt. 5)
Last slideshow tribute to the 60s girl garage bands groups for from The Luv d in the slideshows include Daughters of Eve, She Five, She Trinity, Hairem, The Girls, Luv d Ones, The Liverbirds, The Heart Beats, The Honeybeats, Ace of Cups, The Continental CoEts, The Cake, The Shaggs, The Debutantes, The Pleasure Seekers, Mandy and The Girlfriends, 2 of Clubs, Whyte Boots, Mama Cats, Honey Limited, Feminine Complex, The Goodees, Goldie The Gingerbreads, Paper Dolls, She, The Intricate Blend, The Tremolons, The Dollfins, The Pandoras, The UFO s, The Belles, The Freudian Slips, Marilyn Mattson, Denise ( Company), The Feminine Touch, The Mam selles, The Nursery Ryhmes, The Plommons, The Dandy Girls, Crazy Women, Wild Things, The Moppets, Sunny Girls, Les Gamines, The Woops, The What Four, The Bittersweets, The Poor a few I don t have names for so if you recognize any let me also looking for more 60s girl band ph