This Could Go Quite Wrong Altman Testimony, GPT 5 Timeline, Self Awareness, Drones and more
That was the blunt warning of Sam Altman at the start of his illuminating testimony in front of Congress. I picked out all the most interesting parts, from timelines for GPT 5, whether models are selfaware, whether we are training them to lie, what jobs are going and when, and far more. Ill showcase some of the safety concerns raised at the testimony, and give background from Anthropic and Google Deepmind. The Senate asked a few interesting questions, and phrased them in strange ways, and Ill cover that too. Palantir and their drone LLM will appear, as will the new Constitution from Anthropic for Claude Plus and other models, and Victoria Krakovna. I wont cover much of Sam Altman having no equity in OpenAI, as that was mentioned in my 100 Trillion video