Losing your Memory :: Chuck and Sarah
MAJOR SPOILERS for the Series Finale of Chuck Please watch in 720p HD for the best quality ) OTP OTP OTP cries OMG, the finale was so epic. it was bittersweet, but it was perfect. So many parallels to the pilot and all the flashbacks. The Chuck and Sarah storyline was so heartbreaking, but amazing. I definitely know she remembered everything after the kiss. And i can t even tell you how happy it made me that the last scene was at the beach and Chuck told her to trust him. Just like in the pilot when she told him to trust her. That was the scene where i really fell in love with Charah, so it was just perfect. GAH they are so perfect together, i miss them already. And now i m soo depressed that Chuck is over. :( Chuck Ensemble vids from me will be coming soon as well. This is kinda an obvious song choice, so sorry that its been done already. I started this last week, so i didn t know. lol. hope you like it And comments are love. ) br, br,