Giulia Falcone Il Mondo Jimmy Fontana ( Cover)
, cover, giuliafalcone, ilmondo Hello everyone Here is my rendition of Il Mondo by Jimmy Fontana. I really enjoyed singing this beautiful song which is very successful also abroad. The song Il mondo has been sung in many languages because due to its great success. And now I propose my personal interpretation. I hope you enjoy I will never stop thanking you all for your precious support and affection you show me and if you just came here by chance, l ll be happy to count you among those who constantly follow my YouTube channel and you can also subscribe by clicking on this link and make sure to enable all push notifications Giulia xxx Played and recorded at Cantine di Badia Recording Studio Arrangement and Piano: GiovanniSalamusic Viola: Margherita Faneschi Artistic Direction: DavideEspositoOfficiel Special thanks to Giuseppe Lopizzo who constan