She was rescued then becomes A Mom To 3 Orphaned Kittens After Losing Her Own Litter Of puppies
She was rescued then becomes A Mom To 3 Orphaned Kittens After Losing Her Own Litter Of puppies Rescuers from the Sunshine Dog Rescue found this poor girl named Georgia wandering near a gas station by the USMexico border. The dog was barely getting by and surviving on scraps. On top of this, she recently tragically lost her whole litter of puppiesGeorgia went through an emergency Csection, but sadly, the vets were not able to save her unborn pups. All of them were born prematurely. Special thanks to: Sunshine Dog Rescue Support there: PayPal , CutePuppy, ,MangePuppy, ,TheMoho You Love Animal Videos Subscribe To Us Here: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: