Dont Fall Off Your Horse Gunstock Ranch Hawaii, , Mommy Monday
Be sure to wait for the puppies at the end of the video because todays vlog is packed full of cuteness Today I faced yet another fear (believe it or not)horseback riding. I have only had notsogood experiences with horses (a horse almost rolled over on me once), so I was extremely nervous about going on another horse. Obviously, I survived. But wait till you see the videoit was amazing The views we saw were breathtaking. We even got to be one of the first to plant trees in a new forest they re growing. They are working to restore the native, noninvasive plants back to the Hawaiian forests. We were so thankful to be able to take part in the ceremony of planting and giving life to a new tree that will live forever in a beautiful forest. Even cooler is that we get to all keep track of our trees. They each have a special code and we can check up on them online. We can see how much rainfall the tree has gotten, how tall it is getting and everything We hope you enjoy our amazing adventure