November 6th 2015 ( Hollywood, Florida) Gangstalked by Police Near Barry Universitys Campus
November 6th 2015 (Hollywood, Florida) In January 2015, I enrolled in the Biomedical Sciences Program at Barry University in Hollywood, Florida. While attending, I experienced a lot of covert harassment from professors and students. On November 5th 2015, I was called into a meeting with the dean of the school without any notice and because I felt blindsided, I chose to share all I had come to learn about gangstalking under the Covert Harassment Program. After having this meeting with the dean, I arrived to school the next day to find this police car parked just outside the school s premises. Staged police pullovers of other vehicles are a common tactic of harassment I first learned about living in Japan. They started to happen way too often on the routes I would normally take to go to work, to the labor union, or shopping for me not to recognize a pattern.