Seven Crowded Days Aka The King Unveils A Statue (1947)
Full title reads: Seven Crowded Days. London. The King unveils a statue to his father in Westminster. LS General view of the statue with King George VI unveiling it. CU the statue of King George V. MS the King speaking, paying tribute to his father. (nat sound). CU People among the listening audience. Muslims and an Arab are seen. MS Cut in shot of members of the diplomatic corps, listening. MS Stanley Baldwin and Anthony Eden listening. MS A V Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, George Tomlinson, Minister of Education, Ernest Bevin, Foreign Minister, Winston Churchill and Clement Attlee also listening. MS Queen Elizabeth (later Queen Mother) and Queen Mary, the King and James Chuter Ede, Home Secretary walking to look at the statue. MS the King and Queen Mary. MS Princess Elizabeth (later Queen Elizabeth II) and Princess Margaret Rose chatting to people. MS Princess Elizabeth chats to Queen Mary before stepping into a car. LS Elevated shot of the statue. FILM