The New Confederation Celebrates (1958)
Full title reads: West Indies. The New Confederation Celebrates. Port of Spain, Trinidad, West Indies. CU Princess Margaret walking in gardens of Governor s House in Port of Spain. SV Pan, Governor, Lord Hailes is walking behind the Princess. LV Cameramen. CU Princess smiling. GV Royal car en route for foundation laying ceremony of new Town Hall, in Woodford Square. SV Group of women. LV Princess tapping stone. CU Foundation stone inscribed. CU Princess talking to official after ceremony. GV Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture. SV Princess being shown cocoa pods. CU Pod knocked from tree. SV Princess being shown cocoa pods. GV Looking out across bay as seen from Hospital at Tobago. GV Royal party on hospital balcony as they tour. SV Princess talking to hospital officials and looking at small West Indian boy in bed. CU Boy. SV Princess crossing ward to another bed. CU Small girl in bed. LV Princess seated with officials at opening of Festival of Arts in Trinidad. LV Girl dancing.