DE: JUGENDAMT Eltern die sich wehren und nicht fügen
Olivier Karrer: Dieses Video dient der Wahrheit. Danke, dass Sie sich es anschauen. Dieses Video müssen 10 aller Deutschen gesehen haben. Bitte helft uns dieses Ziel zu erreichen Schickt es an Eure Liste und bittet sie gleiches zu tun. Don t like it, just share it We show in different play lists the mass crimes regularly perpetrated deutschlegal by the German Jugendamt. The Jugendamt (pronounce YouGuennTaamt) is NOT a youth welfare office as commonly in an erroneous way translated. The Jugendamt is : 1. Political Judge; It makes the decision which will be materialized and legalized by the Court 2. State s parent, overparent 3. Third party to the proeceedings without the obligation to retain a lawyer 4. Sole guardian and guarantee of the German Kindeswohl (childs welfare) which has to be understood as the long run welfare of the Germans community VIA, OVER the minor child. The minor child is instrumentalized