Пара спасла котёнка, тонущего в вышедшем из берегов ручье в Сакраменто, Калифорния
A couple rescued a kitten from drowning in a flooded creek near their home in Sacramento, California on Oct. 24, dramatic video shows. Skip Campbell said that he and his wife, Nancy, discovered the kitten bobbing up and down the creek when they went outside to survey rising water levels from heavy rainfall. Skip jumped into action, taking off his shoes and waded through kneelevel water, where he was able to bring the soaking wet kitten back on land. The couple took the kitten back to their home and they are currently deciding whether to keep it or find it another loving home. For more info, please go to Subscribe to Global News Channel HERE: Like Global News on Facebook HERE: Follow Global News on Twitter HERE: Follow Global News on Instagram HERE: , GlobalNews, GoodNews, KittyRescue