This Robot Dances so You Dont Have To
AD 2 for 5 PCBs, SMT Assembly fee 0. Order from I really wanted to experiment with Posenet running on NVIDIA Jetson Inference, so I can use it to make a gesture or pose recognition interface for events and live shows using my Performance Robots which I built a while ago. I m using PythonOSC to send OSC messages to QLC+ Lighting Controller which is a DMX Controller. My Performance Robots are DMX controlled but they are in storage, so I built another smaller DMX controlled robot to test it out it dances so you don t have to CAD Code: You can support me on Patreon or buy my Merchandise: Patreon: Merchandise: Affiliate links I will get some money of you use them to sign up or buy something: Matterhackers 3D printing supplies: Music for your You