I Made a BREATHTAKING Nano Cube Terrarium, Here s How
In this video Ill be showing you how I made this nano cube terrarium. I do my best to break down each step of the terrarium build so you can replicate a miniature slice of nature like this in your home. The hardscape for this terrarium was inspired by tree roots slowly creeping over rocks and Im very happy with the outcome. The nano tank measures 20cm x 20cm x 7. 8). Check out my new book for a detailed guide on how to make and care for terrariums My substrate mix: Coco fibre 1 part Sphagnum moss 2 parts Orchid bark 1, 4 part Charcoal 1, 4 part Worm castings 1, 4 part Aqua soil 1, 2 part Buy my ready made substrate (Uk delivery only) Plants: Begonia vankerckhovenii Bucephalandra sp cryptocoryne parva Anubias Nana Christmas moss (Vesicularia montagnei) Coral moss (Riccardia chamedryfolia) HC Cuba (Micranthemum c