Aions Unfortunate Souls
LOLOLOL SHOOT ME IN THE FACE Cuz it s liek. A disney + Jonas Brothers parody. Wtf has gone wrong in my brain But srsly. I wanted to make this, especially since my good friend ShinyApple has recently gotten more into Chrono Crusade than previously. And more specifically misterrrrr Aion. I was just sitting here, thinking. Wondering. DILUTING MY BRAIN OF RATIONALITY. And my iTunes was on shuffle. I totally forgot I had gotten this song since I like the Little Mermaid and all, and it came on. Now. Since i m on a CC video tyrade atm, that was bad. Because look what it created. Something that I should be slapped for while people giggle until their sides hurt. Anyway. I m tired. It s late. And it s Valetine s Day. Yuck. So. Enjoy this. I suck at lipsyncing. I didn t use effects. I think I crossfaded one thing. Everything else had a tiny fade added to the beginning or something. And I tried to keep it to a minimum of about 23 episodes. Ep br, br,