my paris studio (empty apartment tour)
sorry for the lil break but welcome to my new apartment huge thank you to u all for being here and keeping me positive over the past few months feel so grateful and excited for this next chapter check out to save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain contact me: insta: moyamawhinney email: spotify: music: faq: where are you from northern ireland weird accent I know, my mums indonesian and my dads irish what do you study art history (major) and english literature its a dream I love it so much. I went to uni trinity college dublin and did my semester abroad at columbia equipment filmed on sony handycam ax43 and edited on Final Cut Pro X everyday jewellery either mejuri or my grandmothers xx get 10 off your first mejuri order with my code fav makeup glossier always 10 your first glossier order: subs: 488k lovely people xx thank u squarespace for always supporting me