The Sound of the Belgian Dutch dialect ( Numbers, Greetings, Words Sample Text)
Welcome to my channel This is Andy from I love languages. Let s learn different languages, dialects together. I created this for educational purposes to spread awareness that we are diverse as a planet. Special Thanks to Ilias Bonduelle :D So to start off, many people colloquially call Belgian Dutch Flemish and many foreigners do this too resulting in people taking it for a different language, which I d rather avoid. I really am not a fan of that term because it is linguistically incorrect as it refers only to the dialects of East and West Flanders, French Flanders, and Zealandic Flanders. For that reason I have only recorded Belgisch Nederlands, you will get comments of people saying oh why didn t he just call it Flemish everyone calls it that Ilias Native to: Belgium, Netherlands, France Region: Flanders, Zeelandic Flanders, French Flanders Ethnicity: Flemings Native speakers: 6. 5 million (2016) Language family: IndoEuropean (Germanic) LINK: en