50 английских фраз чтобы просто ПОБОЛТАТЬ
50 фраз для светской беседы на английском языке, которые помогут вам лучше вести разговор и чувствовать себя уверенно. Скачать конспект урока можно здесь: 1. Fancy seeing you here 2. Its good to see you , Its so good to see you 3. Its great to see you again 4. How are you 5. How are you doing 6. How are things 7. Whats new 8. How long has it been 9. its been too long 10. Lets not leave it so long next time. 11. The last time I saw you, you were about to move house. How did that go 12. Did you end up moving house 13. I remember you were planning to move house. How did that go 14. I heard you were moving house. 15. I saw you were moving house. 16. Did you hear about Eleanor 17. Youll never believe this 18. Are you still working for Google 19. Are you still with Google 20. Hows it going at Surrey University 21. Hows business 22. Hows work going 23. How are your studies going 24. That