10 сент2023 Еаst Linсоlnshirе Сhаsе аnd Лightniнg Диsрlау
SuрасеllSt0rmСhаsing 13 сент. 2023г. I had gone to Еаst Уоrkshirе to chase storms but it soon became apparent that the best storms were going to stay to my south. A severe thunderstorm broke out around Мiltоn Кеуnеs, headed through Реtеrbоrоugh and then into Linсоlnshirе. It was moving quickly and so it was going to be a struggle to get into it, but I did just manage to catch the northern limit of the storm before it headed out to sea. I was then treated to a spectacular lightning display along the coastline as the storms grazed the east coast of Linсоlnshirе.