uicideboy Grey Day Tour Marathon Music Works Nashville, TN 09, 27, 2021 ( Full Set)
Setlist: Intro 1: PSA (Long Term Effects of SUFFERING Intro) (0:00:00) 1. Degeneration In the Key of A Minor, If SelfDestruction was an Olympic Event I d Be Tonya Harding (0:00:58) 2. Life Is but a Stream (0:04:14) 3. 5 Grand at 8 to 1 (0:06:37) 4. WE ENVY NOTHING IN THIS WORLD. (0:09:29) 5. Lighting the Flames of My Own Personal Hell (0:12:05) 6. New Profile Pic (0:13:54) 7. Bleach (0:16:34) 8. Forget It (0:19:22) 9. Avalon (0:22:42) 10. Materialism as a Means to an End (No Beat) (0:24:58) 11. Ugliest (0:27:19) 12. The Number You Have Dialed Is Not In Service (0:30:16) Intro 2: Remain Calm (Old Shit Intro) (0:33:06) 13. Paris (0:35:06) 14. 2nd Hand (0:36:54) 15. Aliens Are Ghosts (0:39:25) 16. Carrollton (0:41:18) 17. For the Last Time (0:44:22) 18. All Dogs go to Heaven (0:46:55) 19. Memoirs of a Gorilla (0:50:35) 20. Slip on a Banana Clip (w, Germ) (0:52:45) 21. Now I m Up to My Neck in Offers (0:54:56) 22. outh , 0 br, br,