Panteras Cowboys From Hell on violin and cello
Violinist Rachel Barton Pine and cellist Mike Block play Rachel s arrangement of Cowboys From Hell by Pantera for a faculty concert at Mark O Connor s Strings Conference in San Diego on July 31, 2008. Check out Rachel s podcast: Violins Rule Heavy Metal Meets Classical Music. Violin virtuoso Rachel Barton Pine talks about her love of heavy metal, explores the connections between rock and classical music, interviews rock artists who dig classical, shares recordings of her performances, and answers questions from fans. Get two exclusive tracks of Rachel s live performances of Metallica, Ozzy, and Black Sabbath tunes and a free subscription to her Violins Rule Ezine Just go to to receive your free gifts the recordings are ready for instant download In Rachel s free Violins Rule Ezine, you will get regular updates about her tour dates, stories from the road, weekly podcast episodes, new Yo