Before You WASTE Another Year of Your Life Feeling Stuck, Watch This, Jenna Kutcher
Go to to get your copy of my book Radical Confidence When you do, youll be getting a toolkit of 10 NoBS lessons on becoming the hero of your own life and youll learn how to set better boundaries, live a life that lights you up, and give you the ability to boldly stare down ANY frikin thing that gets between you and the things you want from life On Today s Episode: Stop everything youre doing and listen up Not asking yourself the right questions keeps the best part of you hidden from the ones you love and even worse, it keeps you from you. Going through your days feeling stuck and somehow not even conscious of whats wrong, or that something is wrong, or that there is a way better existence possible is not okay What will it take for you to stop walking through life ignoring messages meant to save you and start living more aware in the moment of your emotions, your needs, your wants and even better what you dont want and n